Kristen Chambers
UNASSUMING SEEKER OF KNOWLEDGEOnce content with a simple life, Kristen has been placed in a position many would desire, until they learn the truth. Countless happenings take place in the shadows of which we are unaware, and at times, ignorance is preferable to participation. Using her determination to protect others from losses she herself has experienced, Kristen has taken over a lead role in the Society, revealing what was hidden from us long, long ago.

Laurence P. Cromwell
Thrust into an adventure he was in no way prepared for, the Society owes much to this strange man who chose to share his tale. Once a modern human like you and me, Laurence has traveled through time more than anyone, save for a few. Driven by destiny, fueled by forbidden fruit, he was molded into an amalgam of many things, not all of them ideal. But without Laurence, there would be no link to our past, no map to our future.

Viktor H. Strangewayes
Recruited by Laurence himself, Viktor spends most of his days outside this reality, residing within a forgotten domain suspended between realms. Dedicated to scouring all possible avenues left to him, he has begun the painstaking process of translating every tome and manuscript at his disposal so that we, too, may learn their many truths. Often risking bodily or psychological harm, even the most dangerous grimoire is never left unopened for long.

(Dougrult Alhoe Telmtil)
PURVEYOR OF FINE INSECTSShunned by his race, Doug-Bug stands out as one of only a few Soh’rovians to reveal a genuine interest in the lives of mortals. Existing outside the bonds of time, he always seems to make his presence known in the oddest of ways, even when he hasn’t been invited, intentionally. Many dismiss his eccentricities without considering his motives and, possibly, his incredible power. Yet count him as a friend, and he may consider lending you a helping hand when the odds stand against you… that is, if you’re willing to purchase a couple bugs. (I hear he’s having a sale on Barbatoan wart-tossers …)

Aurie (Aurelie)
CONNOISSEUR OF HATSThe last of her kind, at least for a time, Aurie has proven herself far more capable than her diminutive Lumynar frame would suggest. Here at the Society, we owe much to her as, if not for her talents, the Temploscope would never have been activated again. Currently she resides in Chicago, Illinois, deep underground, working fervently to repair her city’s many technological marvels so that she might learn what has happened during the countless millennia she has been absent. In the near future she hopes to provide a safe avenue for the resurgence of her race.
**Although Aurie is fast at work within the Society, her story is not told until later on in Volume II.

LAST SURVIVOR OF A DARK FUTUREHaving arrived here many years ago, Carmen traveled backward from one of our possible futures. Here, she has fought valiantly against the plague-bearing creatures that bear down upon us in the shadows, while humanity plods along unaware. Throughout her crusade, many viral outbreaks have caused us great tragedies. Yet, if not for her efforts, humanity would have already mutated into something far, far more dangerous - something she, too, carries inside her. Where she is now, and whether or not she has fallen, we cannot say for certain, but we at the Society recognize her achievements and honor her sacrifices.
**Carmen's many contributions to our future are not detailed until later on in Volume II.

You, there! (Yes, you.)
POTENTIAL IMPENDING CONDEMNATIONTake a long, hard look in that mirror. You’re the star of this show. This story isn’t about any one person or a group of heroes we all aspire to be. Rather, it’s about who we are as a civilization, the power we carry within us, and the choices we make as we head into the future. Some may say those times are so far off, many of our generations will never live to see it. But the truth could never be clearer: every decision matters, for each one is a small part of our journey, and we will have no one but ourselves to attribute or blame for the distant shore we find ourselves standing upon.
When you take that first step into the Society, you will have stepped up as a hero as well. It may appear as if we have everything in place, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Without you, without people spreading the word and making a difference together, our limited resources will dwindle, the hidden knowledge we have begun to uncover will fade, and humanity may once again turn away from a bright future.