The following map resources were created using information pulled from the Vaal'bara Historical Society Archives.
They are very much a living asset, evolving as we continue to uncover information involving our distant past.
Please be aware, some important landmarks have been exaggerated to provide sufficient interactive value.
Mousing over a map will open a magnifying class.
Clicking on a map will open a full-screen image.
(Click beyond the border of the image or press the ESC key to exit the full-screen view.)
You are also welcome to download the maps here, but they are large:

1 - 9
3A - Laurence, Mah’rhena, Jillian, and Dreyl’vyn arrive from Toriash’ahn
3B - Laurence, Varek, Mah’rhena, Jillian, and Dreyl’vyn teleport to the Gnill’var settlement (see 15A)
3C - Laurence, Mah’rhena, Dreyl’vyn, Jillian, Cindee, Walther, Modera and Dael’yan arrive from the tournament
5A - Laurence, Mah’rhena, Dreyl’vyn and Jillian arrive at the tournament
5B - Laurence, Mah’rhena, Dreyl’vyn, Jillian, Cindee, Walther, Modera and Dael’yan teleport to the Broken Echelon Peninsula (see 3C)
8A - Laurence travels back through the portal to the Citadel (see 7)
10 - 17
10A - Laurence travels back to the future and follows Jillian. They travel through a portal back to Vaal’bara (see 11)
14A - Laurence teleports back to the Gnill’var settlement (see 15)
15A - Laurence, Varek, Mah’rhena, Jillian, and Dreyl’vyn arrive outside the Gnill’var settlement
16A - Cindee, Walther, Modera, and Dreyl’vyn arrive from the Broken Echelon Peninsula
16B - Jack, Laurence, and Dael’yan arrive at Toriash’ahn from the Enchanted Grove
18 - 24
22A - Laurence, Mah’rhena, Dreyl’vyn, and Jillian teleport to Lake Dorren (see 23)
22B - Laurence, Mah’rhena, Dreyl’vyn, and Jillian arrive at the Herien Settlement from Lake Dorren
22C - Laurence, Mah’rhena, Dreyl’vyn, and Jillian teleport to the Ahso’lar’s Island (see 24)
22D - Archaeus, Laurence, Dael’yan, Cindee, Walther, Modera, and Dreyl’vyn arrive from the Enchanted Grove
23A - Laurence, Mah’rhena, Dreyl’vyn, and Jillian teleport to the Herien Settlement (see 22B)
24A - Laurence teleports to the rocky outcropping (see 25)
24B - Laurence arrives on Ahso’lar’s island.
24C - Laurence, Mah’rhena, Dreyl’vyn and Jillian teleport to the Tournament (see 5A)
25 - 31
25A - Laurence teleports to Ahsol’ar’s island (see 24B)
26A - Jack, Laurence, Dael’yan, and Latahr’ia travel through a portal to the Enchanted Grove (see 27)
27A - Jack, Laurence, and Dael’yan travel to Toriash’ahn (see 16B)
27B - Archaeus, Laurence, Dael’yan, Cindee, Walther, Modera, and Dreyl’vyn arrive from Toriash’ahn
27C - Archaeus, Laurence, Dael’yan, Cindee, Walther, Modera, and Dreyl’vyn travel through a portal to the Herien Settlement (see 22D)
27D - Archaeus, Laurence, Dael’yan, Cindee, Walther, Modera, and Dreyl’vyn arrive from the Herien battle.
27E - Archaeus, Laurence, Dael’yan, Cindee, Walther, Modera, and Dreyl’vyn travel through a portal to Mount Varo’then (see 30)
31A - Laurence teleports to the Green Dragon Emporium in 2019