Throughout humanity’s history, there have been countless examples of events, people, and places that don’t quite seem to fit into our current, non-Magical idea of the world. Ominous statues with mysterious origins and unexplainable auras. Strange towns which seem to appear out of nowhere, only to be dismissed shortly afterward as simple technological errors. Charming but little-known thoroughfares tucked within the shadows of increasingly modern cities, whose twisting alleyways and quaintly crooked buildings hide a world unseen – unless, of course, you know where to look…
Through the many current and future volumes of the Vaal’bara Historical Society series, we have briefly touched upon many of these unusual oddities within our world, but there is only so much we can discuss within the context of these stories. Whether you’re familiar with the book series and need to know more, or simply made your way here out of curiosity, we’ve carved out a little section of our website just for you.
The Vaal'bara Historical Society Presents:
The Magical History Tour!
Through this series of articles and anecdotes, we hope to enlighten and educate you all on the true, Magical nature of our history, both ancient and modern – and perhaps be the spark that lights the fires of curiosity within you, and leads you on your own path of discovery…
So, with the introduction out of the way, dear readers, prepare to have the doors of ignorance blown wide open, and discover a whole new side to our history even more incredible than you could have imagined.
Welcome, dear readers, to your true heritage…
Welcome... to the Magical History Tour!
Vaal'bara: Land of Magic and Mystery
Many people are unaware of the ancient continent known as Vaal'bara, despite its significance in humanity's Magical history. Even to this day, scientists debate its very existence, perhaps afraid of what it may reveal about our past. There are likely many among you who see Vaal'bara as simply a convenient plot point of our own devising, yet another fantastical setting in a series of fictional novels. But this ancient land is far more than fiction, dear readers. In due time, the truth will be revealed, and the world will once again look back upon our true origins on Vaal'bara...
Eternal Silence
Amysterious monument with an even more mysterious past, Eternal Silence has entranced tourists and captivated curators of the strange from all over the world, capturing the attention of everyone who's laid eyes on it or simply heard the stories secondhand. Many rumors surround this ominous statue, and while most of them - such as the inability to capture its image on film - have been disproven as time has passed and technology has improved, there is certainly more to this plot of land, and the imposing figure guarding it, than meets the eye...
The Graves Family: Preservers of Ancient History
The Graves family is most widely known for the monument marking their last resting place, the mysterious Eternal Silence - or "Statue of Death," as it's been so fondly nicknamed by modern tourists. However, there is far more to the lives of the Graves family than many know. Their history and preservation efforts have since been scattered and lost to even the most astute of modern historians. Lucky for you, we are not most historians...

A note to our readers

Thank you for joining us as we work tirelessly to uncover the truth behind our Magical history, and we hope, through our books and these articles, that we can bring a little Magic back into your lives. Despite our research and resources, there is still so much about our Magical history we do not yet know. It will take a lifetime to even scratch the surface, and due to our limited connection with many of these events, people, and landmarks, our work with the Temploscope is time-consuming, and our findings often incomplete. This is where you come in, dear readers…
Using the Temploscope is far easier when you have a connection, a starting point of some kind. Otherwise, you're essentially grappling through time, hoping to stumble upon a glimpse or a distant memory which may lead to the information you're seeking. There are so many strange happenings and unusual areas in our world that Viktor and I are unaware of, that may be of significance to our research. If you know of any peculiar places, remarkable people, or just plain weird events that you believe may be Magical in nature, please don't hesitate to reach out and let us know! No matter how inconsequential - or even silly - they may seem, they could very well be a crucial piece in the puzzle that is our lost Xahl'thari ancestry. Having something to start with, even if it is simply a short anecdote, would help us greatly in finding more through the use of the Temploscope.